
Showing posts from April, 2021

What a week .....

 Hi there peeps  I have not blogged for a while been busy with work , life ... It feels like my words have dried up , have you people every had that feeling ....? I can usually talk about everything and these days i have now words.... I really dont know what to write anymore maybe its writers block i dont know .... I would like to wish everyone happy birthday and anniversaries for all my friends and family thats having ones in April.  Firstly its Henry he is a awesome man hope you had a awesome weekend with all your friends. "Jy is 'n legend"  Then it was Alta our day mother our kids other mother and one of the best people i know that gives her all to the kids in her school hope you are having a awesome time at the sea for your birthday . Your a legend too.  My "youngest " sister and husband had their anniversary aswell this month 39 years still going strong ! Then my youngest sister inlaw anniversary aswell still young and much in love well done you guys ! ...

Frankie went to his new home

 So i dont know if you guys can remember a few days ago i blogged about my brother in laws doggie , he went to his new home in Parys today .... I am sure Richard shed a few tears ..  We will miss you anty se honne love you always Frankie 

My most memorable moments ....

Today while i was watching something this came to my mind most memorable moments in my life since i can remember.  Well first one was when i met my husband which was a bit of a scary one as he was the one that wanted to move very fast were men usually take it slow.. wanted to get married have kids the whole nine yards and i was like dude i am to young for marriage and kids you need to wait and he told me i was worth waiting for that melted my heart. (i was only 19) Second one must be my 21st birthday as my mom was still here with us and she made it extra special for me and bought me a ice cream cake with "happy 21 with my name on and everything" i even ate my candles .. needed to be there to understand the joke... the last birthday i had my mom .. miss her every day. 3rd one would be the day we got married , we were engaged for 6 years and finally i said ok lets do it i had the most simplest dress and that is they way i am i dont like frills and all the rest we had a fai...

Looking back ....

Today i looked at my blog and thought wow i have come a long way .  I started this blog to help others and in that way it also helped myself . I started my blog on April 6 2016 so i have been blogging for 5 years now. Sometimes i have a lot to say and like today i feel like i am totally blank , not sure why cause i always have a lot of words " grammaphone" verbal diarrhea like others call me ... I am not sure what is going on in my mind today its like all over the place and just cant think of anything to write about , my besties told me on monday that her son was struggling to get his tooth pulled with a string .... you see my mind not were it suppose to be . I am hearing sirens outside thinking what has happend and hopefully no one got hurt . Hubby outside with his friend working on the car hopefully that will be sorted so we can have a awesome weekend with all of our friends.  The kids needs to go shower and get ready to calm down and settle for the night so their minds can...

Monday car blues and food

Today started ok like any monday starts but when Dolf phoned me with the car does not sound right i just give up hope with all the car problems , you probably thinking why dont you buy a new car .... right now we can not afford new cars so my car running quite well now but Dolfs not doing good . He inherited this car from his dad and we both love the car so ja . On a better note i made fish rolls like my friend Farzana from Durban. it was so awesome taste great the family loves it so i have new ideas all the time making other types of food as we love to try out new recipes and food everything . So work going good this week still at home next week at the office. I received a nice gift from tupperware today for recruiting people but then some people are not serious about it than just gives up but i guess such is life. So i am going to say goodnight . I can t believe it but i think my words for today is up . .. Can you people believe that .

C-Section awareness month .. moms are warriors no matter what type of birth you had !

 So my youngest sister in law gave me a topic last night to write about so here it goes.... When me and my husband got married we wanted to fall pregnant very badly and we struggled i wont lie we got married October 2004 and fell pregnant with Jody in May 2006.  I did not know i was pregnant as we just bought a house and we were doing kitchen over as i needed to keep busy as i know if you take your mind off of it it will happen. And only God knows when you ready to be a parent. So one Friday morning in May Dolf asked me when last did you have your monthlys so i said to him wow i really cant remember ,so he said dont you think we must get a pregnancy test so, i said to him ok but we must not get out hopes up . He went and got the test and it was still old ones that has the pink and blue lines and it showed nothing not pregnant and also not not pregnant , so he suggested that we go and get bloods taken which later that afternoon we did. So the nurse that was taking my blood aske...

Friday afternoon in the Zerle house

 So after work there is chores to be done ....washing cooking ect. So i start with putting everything that is not suppose to go into the rightful place so that will help my helper Anna also with her cleaning on Saturday .  Background on my Helper Anna she is awesome we have been together this year for 17 years and i would not change her for any other person i love Anna she is part of our family . So lets carry on ... so then i start cooking and soaking hubby's overall and obviously the masks  and then do a load of washing when it soaked in hot water for a hour or so i only have one load of washing today as i washed washing thru the week as i was working from home this week. My family is everything to me so when i know they fed clean and healthy i just feel the same  then the weekend can begin . Tomorrow we are having a braai so everything must be tip top in the lapa we will sweep out and dush off just a bit get the swing out to relax and just chill.  So this is ...

10 things i have learned from being a mom

So let me tell you about me and my family of  49 members (now you probably thinking shit this woman really has a lot of family but his is my immediate family and their spouse and kids and my inlaws and their spouses and kids and step family and parents that have passed away )  So we have these family whatsup groups that me and my family have and then my in laws and i have and my youngest sister in law Jessica said i should blog about the 10 things i have learned from being a mom  So here it goes : Every pregnancy is different just like each child is different with different personalities and moods . Take all the advice you can get but with a grain of salt as what works for someone else child might not work for your child .  Your gut or instinct which ever you call it is usually right on the button as if you think your child is sick or getting sick in your gut you know your right  Milestones not everyone baby walks at 9 months or talks at 10 months or can do math...

Donderdag ... wat 'n dag

 Gedink dit is maar net nog 'n donderdag tot so 1028 .... my swaer Richard stuur vir my whatsup ek moet hom asb help met huis soek vir sy boston terrier Frank ai my hart is so seer oor die hond Richard het altyd ou Frankie vir ons gebring sodat hy bietjie met ons honde kan speel en ons kat Turbo en Frankie het so lekker saam gespeel goeie maatjies gewees ... lang storie kort ons her RAW gekontak en hulle het dadelik ingespring om te help soek vir huis vir Frank - wil net dankie se vir RAW vir al hulle hulp ons harte is seer maar ons weet Frankie gaan na goeie huis toe . Toe na die hartseer en drama toe surprise my vriendin Jaunie my met 'n treatment vir my hare ek voel sommer soos nuwe sixpens , o ja Juanie maak ook lekker kaaskoek dit smelt sommer in jou mond so ons het een bestel vir more en ek dink nie dit gaan tot saterdag hou nie maar ja ... Kaaskoek is my favorite ever koek in die hele wereld ek en Oupa Udo het die selfde smaak gehad ons het elke vrydag kaaskoek gekry van...

Wat kan 'n mens se .....

 Hi julle ek weet ek het lanklaas geblog , ek is so moeg en siek en sat vir Corona en vir skole wat toe maak en dan oopmaak en dan een dag skool volgende dag by die huis kinders moet in kolle sit mag nie speel nie ek weet nie meer watter kant to nie ....ek weet nie meer of ek Authur of Martha is nie ,,, vriende , familie alles loop deur werk word verloor of nie en of kry minder geld skuld plekke is op jou rug , wil so baie doen maar kan nie want daar is nie geld nie .. krag is so veel geld kan nie meer by hou nie ek weet nie of julle ook so voel nie maar ek mis dinge , ons het baie dinge gedoen gekry met die covid storie en ek mind regtig nie om van die huis af te werk nie , maar ek dink of ek weet ek is op breek punt .  Alles vole net te veel ek wou gedieet het maar dit het ook tot nuut gegaan. Ek het try Tupperware verkoop maar mense koop nie eintlik baie nie want dit is duur maar dis life time gaurantee .  Ons het dstv gedown grade want dit raak vrek duur en gedink om ...