So here we are again another month is coming to an end .... So much happens in one month, a person can realize who will stand by you thru good times and bad times and how much people mean to you. You dont think of it all the time but if you were in trouble any trouble for example: caught by cops, financial trouble very down any trouble for that matter .... who would you turn too? I know i pray and then God gives me a sign and i know everything will be ok cause he sends me to the right people to help me. We were in a situation again this month were my sister needed help with a vehicle to get fixed when she turned to a so called friend which also said we will be there for you the friend just dropped them like hot potatoes..... But i know in my heart that we have true friends and family that will be there till the end of time. My saying is always if you can see me thru my bad times you can be there for the good times and i have learnt that again these last few months .... ...