
Showing posts from 2022

Toxic people all walks of life .....

If you know someone who’s difficult and causes a lot of conflict in your life, you may be dealing with a toxic person. These people can create lots of stress and unpleasantness for you and others, not to mention  emotional   or even physical pain.  Toxicity in people isn’t considered a mental disorder. But there could be underlying mental problems that cause someone to act in toxic ways, including a  personality disorder . Here are some warning signs to watch out for if you think you’re dealing with a  toxic person : You feel like you’re being manipulated into something you don’t want to do. You’re constantly confused by the person’s behavior.  You feel like you deserve an apology that never comes. You always have to defend yourself to this person. You never feel fully comfortable around them. You continually feel bad about yourself in their presence. Lies , Lies and more lies  They Always Need Your Attention Have you noticed that the person always nee...


 Hier is on alweer met Loadshedding....Darem het Sebastian se foon 20gb data op so dis hoe ons rol! Ek vrae altwee my kids waaroor kan ek blog en raai wat se hulle Jody se - BTS , Sebastian se XBOX. Nou sit ons in my kamer met die boot se "battery"  sodat ons lig het , Daddy het gaan pool speel hy speel mos social league darem kom hy nie so laat by die huis nie , paar kerse aangesteek een in die kombuis en een in die badkamer en een in die voorhuis incase ons iets daar wil he of doen.  Ek en manlief het ook besluit ons gaan weer FB accounts maak na 2 jaar van geen social media FB omrede ons account gehack was en dit was paar maande van hel . Ek het ook weer kontak gemaak met van ons ou vriende was so happy om van hulle te hoor . Teresa En Billy ag julle ons het jul so gemis kan nie wag om julle weer te sien nie , gaan awesome wees. So nou het ek FB account , Tiktok, Snapchat en whats-up en dit is al. Dis amper kids se bed tyd en loadshedding nog aan die gang ai ons ou SA ...

Teenager Lifestyle ....

 Well well i am sure all parents dread when the teenager stage comes along , in my case i love it as my daughter is such a good person , a good friend a good big sister and great help around the house and in my life . She is my best friend note she is only 15 years old but let me tell you wise beyond her years and so dedicated.  Look she has her days when she has a mood but dont we all? She is up early in the morning she gets dressed eats her breakfast and drinks her vits and i dont even have to ask her has she done this or that before we leave for school ... some days does not go so good when she has a off day . When she comes from school and i am working from the office , she will send me message that she is save at home and when i get home from the office the house is tidy and some of the supper is done so proud of this girl " young lady" she has become .  She can talk back dont get me wrong but she knows her boundries. She has gone thru her first heartbreak but how di...

Coffee shops.....

 Coffee ..... some like it black and bitter some like it white and sweet some like it with only hot milk others prefer to put milk in before the water ... so many options just like people . Some people are bitter till they taste the sugar of life which could be their life partner or their best job they have ever had or anything in life that makes life sweet. Some people are sweet till you upset them or crossed them then they get bitter just like the black bitter coffee. And some people are like the hot milk coffee that always just tries to do everything for everyone else and never thinks of themselves as the coffee always comes last ... and when you meet then person that drink coffee with milk first then the water then you have met the person with such a good heart . But lets get to coffee shops ... just like different coffee you get them too and i have had my fair share of good and bad coffee shops and you like know when you walk into the shop does these people take good care of t...

When people take advantage of you ....

 So this is a very hard subject to write on ... but here it goes When i give , it does not come with strings.  I'm not keeping track what you owe me.  When i give I choose to do so without ulterior motives.  I give and help because I am genuine, I give cause i know what it is like to be without. But sometimes people just take and take and you have no more to give and it feels like you wrong , but you were the person who got wronged . I am sure a lot of you reading here thinks o goodness i have been there and i am sure you have , we must stop doing what we doing so these people can stop and think what they have done and not doing for that matter . I always try and help were i can not financially but emotionally i can stand by people i can give good advice am strong like that even thou my tears run quickly but sometimes  ... i also need someone to be there for me.  My mom taught me you cant help someone that don't want to help themselves and if people take so...

april ....12 April

 Hi Julle  So vandag het ek myself belowe ek sal blog oor wat weet ek nie want my mind is all over the place as julle weet wat ek bedoel ..... Lewe is hard genoeg en dan kry jy mense wat jou lewe nog harder wil maak ek gesels vandag met een van my vriendinne wat in die kaap bly en sy voel nes ek so overwhelemd is dit even 'n woord julle ? Ek en my man wil graag kyk en sien of ons iets kan doen vir ons en ons kinders se toekoms en dan dink ander mense net aan hulle self, want hulle dink alles gaan oor hulle en hulle lewe op die oomblik dink ek wat ek beter kan offer vir my kinders en wat kan ek doen om hulle 'n beter lewe kan gee en beter toekoms. Partykeer wonder ek of mense even notice dat ek stil geword het of glad nie meer eers praat nie ? Ek wonder soms dink mense of worry mense even oor my ? ek weet nie my mind is maar all over the show vandag het maar net gewonder ..... die voel meer soos dag boek inskrywing ag maar wat dit is my blog kan maar seker bietjie my marbles ve...

Laaste paar dae

 Die afgelope paar dae was maar bietjie rof ...... Is in die kantoor tot vrydag en ja love ons team  My werks maatjies kna my altyd laat lag no matter what. Persoonlike lewe maar rof meisiekind se hart is gebreek , Seun druk besig om te ofen vir stoei so ja manlief en ek lief vir mekaar soos altyd , maar kry ook min tyd maar vrydag aand is date night en dan kan ons biejti emekaar geniet. Kinders moet maar ook deur hart breek gaan dit is deel van die lewe as ek net dit kon voorkom maar ek kan nie en dit is dalk goed anders sal kinders nooit groei nie en hulle moet groei om excellent groot mense te kan word . Ek is baie trots op hoie sy met dit deal maar ek weet binne haar hart is dit maar baie rou , maar dit sal weer gesond word met tyd . Tyd is al wat nodig is ... pappa gaan more kiddies bietjie uitneem vir lunch so dit gaan hulle enjoy terwyl mamma werk maar die naweek moet ons gaan na pragtige klein dogtertjie se verjaardag toe en ook na 'n gender reveal toe ,... baie opgewo...


  What is meant by self-growth? Simply stated, self-growth is  a desire to become a better version of oneself every day . A timeless pursuit, self- growth refers to a life-long process to improve one's own performance through formal and informal approaches. So this is what google says about self -growth my version a little bit different........ Stop complaining and appreciate how lucky you are every day to have woken up.  Embrace loneliness and reinvent yourself in the process. Pick one skill you want to cultivate and put all your effort into developing it.  Commit to the goals you set and never look back.  Fail forward.  Learn from every mistake you make.  Don't ever give up - if you fail at least you have learnt .  Don't be afraid to be different, be afraid to have never tried .Its ok to not know everything i learn everyday. At the end of the day be yourself and only yourself do not pretend to be something or someone else or to pl...

What is it that you are you doing that is much bigger than you can imagine?

  So a few months ago i started something i call "weekly check-ins by Jeannette" . I do a personalized voice note on what's-up on a Monday - note every Monday even thou i am not feeling well , i need to make sure everybody i am check-in on is ok . I do a check-in on 92 people (and it is growing i started off with 5 people) every Monday and i know everyone's "life stories" kids names what is happening why they are sad and if i can do anything to give them advice every week and that they know there is someone listening , sometimes that is all you need is someone to listen. I don't share anyone's problems or stories with any other person accept myself as that is why it is call check-in by Jeannette, and I keep it confidential . I try my best to give the best advice to my ability and I know I have made a big difference in all the 92 people lives as if i don't do the check-ins normal times then some will what-up me and ask if I am ok and that means th...

Herfs .......

 Herfs is een van die seisoene wat eintlik vir my die mooiste is . Die blare verander van groen na die mooiste bruine en rooi en die wind waai .... Baie mense dink dit is die lelikste of ergste seisoen maar eintlik is die seisoen maar baie soos wat die lewe is .... Die lewe waai partykeer mens se wind uit en dan vind jy jouself weer en ander mense verander soos verkleurmannetjies soos die blare kleur verander ....hulle word stiller of hulle verdwyn net soos die blare verdwyn en val op die grond om nog nuwe kunsmis te maak op die grond vir die nuwe plante en boompies om te groei. Voeltjies vlieg partykeer weg en kom altyd terug na herfs... in ons yard bly die voeljies heel jaar ons gee vir hul kossies en water sodat hul nie nodig het om te gaan soek vir dit nie , maar ook so gebeur dit met mense ook gaan soek nuwer dinge daar buite as hul nie genoeg "kossies en water" kry nie . So as jy jouself in jou "Herfs" vind kyk rond en maak seker jy kry genoeg van die kossies ...

Spring cleaning for life .....

 Helllo there peeps  I have not blogged in a while so many things has happened. I struggled to get into this blog of mine o my goodness. So my subject ... Spring cleaning for life .... You get different things to spring clean you get your handbag your house and you can also spring clean your life your pc ect. So let me explain to you what i have been spring cleaning .....and how i got to this as my daughter Jody has been spring cleaning her bedroom for weeks now , but so scared to let some of the things go as she says i had this since i was small ... and all i said to her was, is it bringing you joy right now ? is it serving a purpose in your life and if it does keep it if it does not, give it away so it can bring joy to someone else , so that is how i got to were i am .... spring cleaning . I have been spring cleaning my life , i have been going thru what i think a lot of people go thru and that is to get rid of or give away and not to keep on holding on to something .... tha...