
Showing posts from 2016

Happy Mother's Day !

Happy Mother's Day to all the precious mothers for Sunday.  hope you all Have a lovely weekend!     LOTS OF LOVE FROM   Jeannette, ADOLF, jody & Sebastian !!!!!  

Tips to avoid winter colds - from ALLFORWOMAN NEWS

Scrub those hands : Frequent hand washing is the most effective way to prevent cold and virus transmission. Yet studies have found that simply telling a child to wash their hands might not be effective; if parents teach their kids that they are washing off invisible germs, and why, kids are more likely to engage in the behaviour. Drink water : Once the chill sets in, the motivation to drink water might dry up – but children need to keep stay hydrated. This promotes a strong immune system, which in turn helps the body fight off any germs it comes across. Often dehydration is the cause behind a headache or stomachache, so if your child presents with these complaints – give them a glass of water before turning to a pill. Rest: Constant activity and staying up late does not allow one’s body to rest and recover. In order to have a strong immune system, children need down time, even more so than adults. Encourage activity and exercise – but stick to bedtimes, monitor the energy level...

5 Common ADHD myths debunked

A nice article i found .... April 15, 2016 | by Contributor | with 0 Comments   Without insight into ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) – its causes, symptoms and impact – it’s easy to misunderstand the condition … ADHD myths The idea of an ‘ADD kid’ has so often been misrepresented by popular culture that many people don’t know what the condition actually entails and what it’s like to live with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) . Here are a few myths surrounding ADHD and the realities of the condition: Myth: ADHD is a made-up condition, constructed by pharmaceutical companies to make money. Fact: ADHD is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder, affecting around 8 to 10% of children and 4.4% of adults worldwide. It’s estimated that up to 75% of adults with ADHD are undiagnosed. Myth: ADHD in children is a result of bad parenting. Fact: ADHD is not a result of bad parenting. No one knows exactly what causes ADHD, but...

Words to Jody

My baby girl is now nine I have wiped her tears, cuddled her fears shared her wines I love her and she loves me But see she is only nine, we will disagree With age, emotions will turn like the weather I will wipe different tears, cuddle new fears And hopefully still share cheers I will always listen, that's a guarantee New things will come up boys, rules, beers I know life as a young adult is exciting But scary and hard at the same time I hope she loves me as much then as now I hope I stir her in the right direction So hopefully she will avoid a crime Communication, understanding, affection Hard! WOW! But whatever she chooses in her life I will always be there for her The good, bad, and indifferent 'cause I love her now, then, and always

Friend – Alta - best daymother in the world

Friend – Alta You're a very special person. I'm glad that you're my friend, For when I need a little advice, You always have some to lend. You help me when I am troubled, Feeling down and out- I never have to say what's wrong. You seem to know what I'm all about. I can always tell you my feelings Without having you put me down. You're the person I can turn to When no one else is around. I can cry on your shoulder When things are going wrong. You give me a smile And help me to be strong. You seem to understand me. After all that we've gone through, I only have one thing to say... Thanks for being YOU!

The Importance of Being Genuine

It’s not enough to just go through the motions, trying to demonstrate qualities that are associated with emotional intelligence. You have to be genuine. You can do a gut check to find out how genuine you are by comparing your own behavior to that of people who are highly genuine. Consider the hallmarks of genuine people and see how you stack up. “Authenticity requires a certain measure of vulnerability, transparency, and integrity,” -Janet Louise Stephenson Genuine people don’t try to make people like them. Genuine people are who they are. They know that some people will like them, and some won’t. And they’re okay with that. It’s not that they don’t care whether or not other people will like them but simply that they’re not going to let that get in the way of doing the right thing. They’re willing to make unpopular decisions and to take unpopular positions if that’s what needs to be done. Since genuine people aren’t desperate for attention, they don’t try to show off. ...


Hi Julle Wou graag my beloning "Reward" chart met julle deel ek dink regtig dit motivate kinders want ek weet dit motivate Jody, so ek deel dit graag met julle

Love, changes everything....

Love, love changes everything; Hands and faces, earth and sky. Love, love changes everything; How you live and how you die. ” – Andrew Lloyd Webber/Don Black Think about love for a moment. Love has the power to change lives in incredible ways. It causes grown men to buy flowers and teddy bears on February 14th. It causes women to give up the power of the remote control. It causes parents to drive to the pharmacy for children’s cough syrup at two in the morning. When love gets a hold of us, we become different people almost overnight – no convincing required. Our lives change just because we have fallen under the control and influence of love. But love is such a powerful emotion that it even begins to change the person who is loved – because to be loved is to be changed. And that’s why, to the best of my knowledge, I tell my children every single night that I love them. It begins to change who they are, what they know, and who they will become. 1. It gives them someone t...

Kry ’n roetine

Waarom is roetine belangrik? Roetine leer kinders verantwoordelikheid en kan dus jou kind selfstandiger maak, sê Michelle Andrews, ’n kliniese sielkundige van Johannesburg. Dit help kinders ’n balans vind tussen huiswerk, speelmaats, higiëne en gesinstyd. Roetine leer jou kinders hul tyd doeltreffend bestuur. Dit verminder stres in jou huishouding, want jou kinders sal minder gejaag wees en jy as ouer sal nie gedurig hoef te kyk dat alles gedoen word nie. Wat is ’n roetinekaart? Dis ’n kalender wat van Maandag tot Sondag strek, met ’n lys take wat jou kind elke dag moet voltooi. Dit werk veral goed vir kinders jonger as 12 jaar, sê Melissa Bothma, ’n opvoedkundige sielkundige van Kaapstad. Na gelang van jou kind se ouderdom kan dit alles van tande borsel tot huiswerk insluit. Plak dit waar jou kinders dit kan sien. As jy dit laat lamineer, kan hulle hul take met ’n witbordmerker of aftrekplakkers daarop afmerk. Melissa raai ma’s van ouer kinders aa...

Simple ways to save precious water

Good advice ... tips This may be a boring subject, but will radically help to save precious water - and keep your bill at a handleable level ... ·          Give up the luxury of having a bath unless you are comfortable sharing the same water with the whole family. When you shower , take between four and five minutes. Wet yourself. Turn the shower off, then soap and wash all over, then put on the shower again and rinse. Learn to pee when you are showering. It is healthy and perfectly sanitary and you will be saving litres of water that you would normally flush away ... ·          ... which brings me to, “When it’s yellow , let it mellow, but when it’s brown , flush it down”. That old adage still stands us in good stead! ·          Only use your washing machine once you have gathered up a full load. ·        ...


1. Probeer alles tweekeer . 'n Grafskrif het gelui: "Tried everything twice...both times were very nice!" 2. Behou jou grapgat vrinne . Die suurgatte trek jou onder. (Sorg dat JY nie daai suurgat is nie!) 3. Hou aan leer.. Leer meer oor skete, etiket, enigiets. Moenie toelaat dat jou brein muf nie! 4. Geniet die eenvoudige dinge. 5. Lag dikwels, lag lank en lekker. Lag tot jou blaas lek! En as jy'n pel het wat lekker nonsens praat, spandeer meer tyd saam met haar/hom. 6. Trane kom. Tjank dat die snot spat, en beweeg dan aan Die enigste mens wat ALTYD regdeur jou lewe by jou is, is jyself. LEWE terwyl jy nog lewe het. 7. Omring jouself met dit waaroor jy mal is, Of dit nou pelle, familie, diere, sentimentele junk, musiek,plante, of kitch is. Jou huis is JOU plek! 8. Bewaar jou gesondheid: As jy OK is, moenie nonsens aanjaag nie, As jou kop raas, sluit by 'n 'support group' a...

my lil bean.....

Ek wil vandag iets met julle deel want ek weet Jody weet van dit maar Sebastian nog nie , daar was 'n baba voor Boeta in 2012 , ons was baie bly Jody was in die 7de hemel want sy gaan 'n boetie of 'n sussie kry  maar in 'n oogwink het alles verander ek was 12 weke swanger toe ek ons baba verloor het en tot vandag toe en verewig sal ek 3 kinders he , Jody is "convinced " dat dit haar sussie was en haar naam is Khloe en ons sal haar weer eendag sien sy is by oupa en ouma en Conrad in die hemel , hier is 'n gediggie wat ek vir haar geskryf het : 14 March 2012 You were my little bean, that was created in my womb. I laid in bed at night excited, and now I'm full of gloom. I never understood how much you could miss someone you never met. And now my heart aches so bad, that it fills me with regret. Was there something I did wrong? How could this come to be? Your little face, your hands, your feet, is something I'll never see. I loved ...

10 dinge wat elke ma vir haar kinders wil he

10 dinge wat elke ma vir haar kinders wil he Voordat ek kinders gehad, ek het gedink dat daar 'n regte manier is om 'n ouer te wees . "Ek moet dit doen, hierdie, en hierdie," Ek het gedink. En ek is seker daar is 'n paar dinge in ouerskap wat net op een manier gedoen kan word om reg te wees. Maar mammas oor die hele wêreld wil he hul kinders moet veilig en gelukkig te wees. Hier is 10 dinge wat ek agter gekom het mammas vir hulle kinders wil he : . 1. Emosionele gesondheid . As ons kinders 'n sterk emosionele fondament het, sal hulle beter kan "deal " met die "ups" en " downs" van die lewe. . 2. Fisiese Gesondheid . Gesondheid moet waardeer en beskerm word, binne perke. Selfs met 'n beperkte fisiese gesondheid, kan kinders nog n vol en lonende lewe ly 3. Geestelike Gesondheid . 'N Aktiewe geloof gee 'n kind 'n raamwerk om hulself en ander lief te hê. Dit gee hulle 'n "blueprint" vi...

'n Brief aan my seun : Sebastian

'n Brief aan my seun Aan my klein Bassie, Dis moeilik om te glo dat jy 'n amper 2 jaar gelede in ons lewens in gekom. By tye voel dit asof ek jou 'n leeftyd ken   en ander tye is dit asof jy nounet hier aangekom het. Om 'n seun te he - waar om te begin? Mense het my gewaarsku dat dit anders sou wees, maar voordat jy hier was het ek gelag oor hul kommentaar. Sjoe was ek verkeerd. Dis waar - dit is baie verskillende met 'n seuntjie as met 'n dogtertjie.   Jy het in die wêreld ingekom, met daai oë, en Ek het geweet dat jy my sal besit van daardie oomblik af. Daar was 'n wysheid in die manier waarop jy na die wêreld gekyk het rondom jou. Ek love hoe jy die wêreld sien. Jou glimlag jou liefde sonder perke, nie 'n bang haar op jou kop nie. Elke dag   wou ek die tyd stadiger laat loop, sodat ek elke nuwe oomblik saam met jou oor en oor weer kan ervaar. En hier is jy reeds amper 2 jaar oud . Ek het   'n sinkende vermoede dat ek my oë sal knip en jy ...