Simple ways to save precious water

Good advice ... tips

This may be a boring subject, but will radically help to save precious water - and keep your bill at a handleable level ...

·         Give up the luxury of having a bath unless you are comfortable sharing the same water with the whole family. When you shower, take between four and five minutes. Wet yourself. Turn the shower off, then soap and wash all over, then put on the shower again and rinse. Learn to pee when you are showering. It is healthy and perfectly sanitary and you will be saving litres of water that you would normally flush away ...

·         ... which brings me to, “When it’s yellow, let it mellow, but when it’s brown, flush it down”. That old adage still stands us in good stead!

·         Only use your washing machine once you have gathered up a full load.

·         Same applies to your dishwasher. By the way, dishwashers use far less water than washing dishes in the sink. Who’d have thought!

·         If you switch off the tap while you clean your teeth or shave, you can save enough water to make 40 000 cups of tea in a year! So they say.

·         Fix all taps and anything else that is leaking. One drop per second will waste four litres every day.

·         Collect rainwater. Nearly all of us can do this. Simply invest in some buckets and attach them where you are most likely to catch the water.

·         Grey water from your showers is good for watering the lawn.

·         Put away your hose pipes until the drought is over. They are water guzzlers deluxe!

·         Eat more veggie meals - raising animals for the meat, egg and dairy industry uses far more water than growing plant food does.


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