Tips to avoid winter colds - from ALLFORWOMAN NEWS
Scrub those hands : Frequent hand washing is the most effective way to prevent cold and virus transmission. Yet studies have found that simply telling a child to wash their hands might not be effective; if parents teach their kids that they are washing off invisible germs, and why, kids are more likely to engage in the behaviour. Drink water : Once the chill sets in, the motivation to drink water might dry up – but children need to keep stay hydrated. This promotes a strong immune system, which in turn helps the body fight off any germs it comes across. Often dehydration is the cause behind a headache or stomachache, so if your child presents with these complaints – give them a glass of water before turning to a pill. Rest: Constant activity and staying up late does not allow one’s body to rest and recover. In order to have a strong immune system, children need down time, even more so than adults. Encourage activity and exercise – but stick to bedtimes, monitor the energy level...