
Showing posts from 2018

Sad not sad happy ......

So i have been a bit busy and a bit quite but here it goes.... I have been thru a tough rough year and i have been very down lately so all i needed was a little bit of reassurance and lots of love to get me back on track. We have been busy with father in laws house the last couple of months and its been very hectic emotional and i have been strong most of the time but i think that i sometimes need someone to be there for me like i am there for others i also need to let go give in . I have lost 2 dads a very good friend that reminded me so much of my mom , extended family and a mom friend i had when Jody was in nursery school and very good friends son all of them still young and i have been strong for so long i cry but it feels like i cant breathe sometimes as i know life goes on but i need to let go aswell and the only way i can deal with it is the best way to cry cause i have so many mixed emotions going on trying to do this and trying to do that , trying to keep busy so that i d...

Be more internet savy

The internet can be a dangerous place and social media websites are no exception. The SAPS believe every parent should be aware of some important internet and social media safety tips that could protect their children from potential harm. ALSO READ:  Suspects arrested on various charges in Primrose There are several things you, as a parent, can do to make sure your children can participate safely – they are: • Learn about the internet and various social media platforms, because knowledge is power. Stay informed and up-to-date with the latest internet crazes and social media applications that children make use of. • Insist on knowing your child’s passwords and learn the common acronyms children use online and in text messages. Some acronyms include: GNOC – Get naked on camera. TDTM – Talk dirty to me. NIFOC – Naked in front of computer. PAW – Parents are watching. PIR – Parent in room. POS – Parent over shoulder. CD9/Code 9 – Parent/Adult around. ...

Wat het kinders nodig .....

Toe my kinders kleiner  was, het ek nooit getwyfel hoeveel hulle my nodig gehad het nie. Ek het hulle gevoer, skoongemaak, geklee en versorg. Wanneer hulle gehuil het, was my teenwoordigheid en aandag vir hulle 'n troos. Selfs toe ek nie tot die oorsaak van hul trane kon kom nie, kon ek hulle ten minste verseker dat hulle nie alleen in hul hartseer was nie. Min mense sou stry dat dit die mamma is wat 'n baba die meeste nodig het. Maar wat gebeur wanneer daardie baba grootword? Om kinders se behoeftes te te bevredig, is baie  moeiliker. Baie ma's draai na aktiwiteite en ervarings toe om hul kinders se lewens vol te maak. Ons dink ons ​​kinders moet gestimuleer en besig wees, voortdurend sosiale verkeer of altyd nuwe dinge leer. Ons bedien aandete in die motor terwyl ons na swemklasse of rugby/netbal ofening toe gaan, met die hoop dat ons kinders terug sal kyk en dink hoe vol hulle lewens was, met al die "extra currculum"  En in die proses vergeet ons te dikwel...


So here we are again another month is coming to an end .... So much happens in one month, a person can realize who will stand by you thru good times and bad times and how much people mean to you. You dont think of it all the time but if you were in trouble any trouble for example:  caught by cops, financial trouble very down any trouble for that matter .... who would you turn too? I know i pray and then God gives me a sign and i know everything will be ok cause he sends me to the right people to help me. We were in a situation again this month were my sister needed help with a vehicle to get fixed when she turned to a so called friend which also said we will  be there for you the friend just dropped them like hot potatoes..... But i know in my heart that we have true friends and family that will be there till the end of time. My saying is always if you can see me thru my bad times you can be there for the good times and i have learnt that again these last few months .... ...

Mom is the word .....

A few months ago my mom in law and step father in law moved in with us in there own flat our yard . I never knew how much i would love it till i tried it . What we did not know was this year was a different year all together ....... We were all living in harmony with each other until tragedy hit us ... on 10 April this year i got a horrible phone call from my mom in law saying " Oupa Chris cant breath " i went blank called my friend to find out what the ambulance number is when right in front of me was google friend told me to put it on my security whats ups groups which i did and people of all walks of life responded to our emergency.  After all that my stepfather in law had a major heart attack and died.  That day it shook our family very hard as we loved Oupa Chris dearly.  My hubby's own father has also been sick with the dreaded Motor Neuron disease which we all know does not have a cure as yet .  As i was being with my mother in law and brother in l...

Boys are from Mars girls are from Venus some info ...

Went to a very informative seminar last night ... Guest speaker was Mr Derek Jackson very awesome man he knows what he talks about . So the main aim of this seminar was to find out why boys are so difficult, and this is what the conclusions was .... Boys are from Mars and girls are from Venus. you must not try and protect your kids and close them off in a "cocoon' they need to experience life if your children come home from daycare/day mother and they have a torn shirt don't be upset be glad they were kids  Sibling rivalry - let children sort themselves out unless it turns too aggressive then parents should step in. Dads should get in touch with their feminine side and moms should get in touch with their masculine side... to understand kids better. Get a sand timer to get kids to make a game of daily tasks. Buy your child the toy gun after all if he does not have one he will use his hand and make a gun its ok and its part of growing up  Moms feel guilty for wor...

The best gift for your child

Your children can not wait to open the (expensive, shiny) gifts under the Christmas tree.   How do you care without spoiling and raising a materialistic child? It's already a cliché.   Your child sometimes plays better with the box in which the gift came as with the gift itself.   Every Christmas we are overloaded (privileged) children with presents.   The latest mobile phone, iPad, Kindle ... or some of the movies that have been advertised on TV for months before Christmas.   Without it, your blood will be far away from his friends. The excitement builds up before Christmas.   Maybe you still have the right to keep the gift for your child secret until it's opened.   However, most children have already placed their orders at Ma and Pa by October.   (Letter to Father Crisis? Lately forgotten!) Children are getting younger and younger, after all, just Mamma and Daddy, who scratch around to get the right gift for everyone.) We sometimes raise ...